USA Election 2024
Interactive VR environment created in Unreal Engine, featuring augmented reality integration and comprehensive DMX control capabilities
UK Election 2024
Immersive VR experience developed in Unreal Engine for the 2024 UK election, featuring a hyper-realistic recreation of 10 Downing Street
Mohhok HEMM
Virtual studio for a game show, offering complete control over visual effects By DMX control
10 Downing Street
Virtual studio connecting the landmarks of Downing Street with a virtual office, featuring dynamic visual effects in the background
US Elelction 2020
Virtual set developed in Unreal Engine for the 2020 U.S. presidential election, featuring a detailed USA map, highlighted election states, and a dynamic final score bar.
Waraa El Hadth
Mixed reality environment created in Unreal Engine, incorporating elements of an old studio with dynamic LED displays and interactive windows.